Saturday, July 11, 2009

Project : Paint

Tonight I started a paint project in my future sewing/craft room. It was my older daughter's bedroom but she has recently moved into an apartment with two other girls. When she first went to college she stayed in the dorms and the advice from the lecture we attended during the orientation day was that I keep her bedroom just the way it is for the first year. The idea was that there is enough things changing in the student's life and they need to have that stability, that safe haven to come home to. So, I took that advice and left it the same (with the only addition of new carpet) for the first two years of college. Now she is officially moved out, well grounded, content with her life and I can finally redo that room and give it new purpose. It is rather exciting to dream of how I want my craft room to look, how I want my things organized, what color of paint do I want to replace the neon lime green, etc.
It is a nice thought to have all my supplies in one room. I like to sew quilt tops, design cards, mosaic anything that stays still long enough (ha ha) and will try any craft once! The problem right now is that I have been monopolizing the dining room table for the past five or six years with all my sewing stuff. I have many plastic tubs full of fabric under that table and all my sewing accouterments taking up the top of the table. More fabric is stacked on the two wooden benches and my ironing board has also taken up residence right beside that. I have a rolling cart with my sewing machine on it, pushed right up against one end of the table and my OTT lamp next to that. There is also a stand with my first quilt folded on display on the other side of the table. Needless to say, I am taking up the entire dining room and have been for a LONG time. It will be nice to move my stuff upstairs and be able to close the door to the mess (if there is one). Another perk is that it will keep my fabric and any projects I am currently working on free of cat hair! Yes, I have two pesky cats who love nothing more than to lay on whatever project I have left out - because I, of course, left it out for them to lay on and cover with kitty hair! I buy them a bed and they lay on my material - ARG!
Now, I will be able to foil their little kitty plans by shutting them out! Muwahaha (diabolical laughter).
Guess I better get back to priming the walls. Goodbye lime and hello light peachy color.

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